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School Hours

8:15 am – 3:15 pm

Attendance Policies

Students arriving at school…Will have their attendance recorded as…
Before 8:15 a.m.Present
8:16–10:00 a.m.Tardy
10:01–12:00 p.m.Half-Day Absence
12:01 p.m. – dismissalFull-Day Absence

Early Dismissal

Parents seeking early dismissal of students must present a note to the school office the morning of the requested early dismissal listing the following: date, time, reason for dismissal, who is picking up the child and a legal custodial signature with a phone number to confirm the early dismissal. Parents may also place a phone call providing the information. The cut off time for all early dismissals is 2:45 p.m.

Students leaving school before 12:00 p.m. will be marked “Half-Day Absence” if they are not returning to school.


On any day that a student is going to be absent, the parent/guardian should contact the school office on the morning of the absence with the child’s name, grade, and reason for the absence. Please call the school office each day the student is absent. Parents/guardians should submit a written explanation for any absence within THREE (3) calendar days of the absence. If parents/guardians fail to provide a written excuse within THREE (3) days of the absence, the absence will be permanently counted as unlawful.

School Visitors

The Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School administration is committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of all children, staff, and visitors of the school district. Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School uses walk-through and/or hand-held metal detectors in the school building or on “school grounds.” Persons entering a school building or attending a school activity will be subject to screenings with a metal detector device. Persons that do not consent to a metal detection screening may be denied admittance.


All Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School students are provided transportation by the home school district unless they are located outside of their home districts mileage allowance. Any questions/concerns related to the transportation of students should be directed to the Transportation Department of the home school district or Ms. White at (412) 325-4075.

Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH)

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act was established in 1987 and amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. The Act defines the term “homeless children and youths” as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate night time residence.

The federal mandate ensures that homeless children and youth have access to the same free and appropriate public education as other children. Children who are homeless may qualify for assistance with school lunch, school supplies, tutoring and transportation so that they can remain in their school of origin.

If you believe that your child may qualify for this service, please contact Amanda Barkley, the school’s Social Worker at (412) 325-4075 ext. 508.


Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School encourages families to be active in our school community and volunteering is one of the ways families can be involved. Before participating as a volunteer at the school, all parents, guardians, and other adults must first submit child abuse and criminal background clearances as required by state and federal law. Requirements, forms, and instructions are available at the main office or under the PAC information page

Behavior Philosophy and Code of Conduct

Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School has developed a school wide behavior support plan designed to encourage positive and productive behaviors and to handle infractions in a consistent and fair manner with a constant goal of returning the student to active engagement in the classroom if possible. Discipline is an integral part of teaching and learning. Young people must develop good work habits and attitudes if they are to be successful students and become successful members of the larger community. Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School promotes constructive and respectful behavior through the procedures and consequences.


Students will be issued textbooks or workbooks in various classes. Each student will be assigned a particular book numbered specifically for him/her. Students who damage or lose textbooks or workbooks will be required to pay the cost for them.

Field Trips

Parental permission slips are required for each pupil who participates in this instructional activity. The principal will decide the appropriate dress code. Since a field trip is primarily a learning experience, the time spent is considered part of the regular school day. Parents/Guardians are expected to support the academic program of Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School by making certain that students are well prepared and attend all field trips scheduled. Children who have poor conduct/attendance may not be allowed to participate in this academic learning experience.

Student Records

Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School will not release or disclose any student information without parental or legal guardian permission unless allowed to do so pursuant to applicable state and federal laws. Questions regarding the disclosure of student information must be directed to the Enrollment and Admission Coordinator, Ms. Clay’Ce White, and must conform to Urban Pathways K-5 College Charter School’s student records/confidentiality policies. A copy of this policy can be obtained by written request to the Principal.